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The Fields

May I be kinder to adults

and more honest with children.

May I desire to learn from the person who is struggling

and unburden the one who appears to be a success.

May I find peace in the maehem

and direction in the void.

And may my cup feel fullest

when my purse feels lightest.

May I continue to look, even after I think I've found the answer

and rest from my toil even though the work may feel undone.

May I cradle the elderly,

and respect the infant.

May I leave a candle in the window for the sojourner

and never reject the offerings that the charitable would make to me.

May I never assume that I can't help

and always recognise that I can't do it alone.

Though the day may feel like night,

may I remain in the fields.

Though the hours feel like years

may I wait upon the Lord.


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